From Cervera to Tokyo (2016)

There are more than ten thousand kilometers between Cervera and Tokyo, but what really separates these cities is not physical distance. Cervera and Tokyo represent two diametrically opposed worlds, and many factors can either turn that distance into an insurmountable wall - or a perfect cocktail. During the 2016 MotoGP season, Marc Marquez had to make several journeys: first, an internal voyage that converted him from an aggressive and spontaneous rider into a cooler and more calculating one. It was a useful journey, reminding him of his innate ability to overcome difficulties. As well as this, he had to travel between the two cultural worlds living in his pit box. During 2016, a team formed from European personnel had to work even more closely alongside Asian engineers to achieve the perfect pairing between the latest Japanese technology, and Spanish improvisation

There are more than ten thousand kilometers between Cervera and Tokyo, but what really separates these cities is not physical distance. Cervera and Tokyo represent two diametrically opposed worlds, and many factors can either turn that distance into an insurmountable wall - or a perfect cocktail. During the 2016 MotoGP season, Marc Marquez had to make several journeys: first, an internal voyage that converted him from an aggressive and spontaneous rider into a cooler and more calculating one. It was a useful journey, reminding him of his innate ability to overcome difficulties. As well as this, he had to travel between the two cultural worlds living in his pit box. During 2016, a team formed from European personnel had to work even more closely alongside Asian engineers to achieve the perfect pairing between the latest Japanese technology, and Spanish improvisation